About Attending the Physician

Over the years,  I’ve observed the challenges that healthcare professionals face, challenges that gradually erode their well-being, perspective, and relationships.

With decades of experience of providing support, counsel and coaching, I can help you navigate the ups and downs of both your personal and professional life and help you achieve your goals.

If you want to discover more about who you are and why you are the way you are and embark on something different or maybe the same but with a better path forward, I would encourage you to talk to Jim. Jim has a way of engaging you with compassion, empathy and a humble honesty and directness that will challenge you and inspire you at the same time!

Stan Hickson, Healthcare Executive

You Need to Know …

I’ve helped hundreds of high performers and physicians overcome their current obstacles and take the next step toward maximizing their full potential.

But it wasn’t always this way…

I hate to admit it, but early on, success and the stress at work dominated my thoughts. For many years, I wasn’t as present at home as I should have been. I felt stuck. I couldn’t seem to find balance or figure out how to get a handle on things. My health suffered.

I burned out!

It all came crashing down! I was forced to take a break from work for an extended period. It was hard to admit that I couldn’t pull myself out of it!


arrow_carrot 2right Emotional Intelligence
arrow_carrot 2right icon Conflict Management
arrow_carrot 2right icon Crucial Conversations
arrow_carrot 2right icon Career Transitions
arrow_carrot 2right icon Assessments


arrow_carrot 2right icon Empathy
arrow_carrot 2right icon Strategic
arrow_carrot 2right icon Individualization
arrow_carrot 2right icon Maximizer
arrow_carrot 2right icon Relational


arrow_carrot 2right icon Masters in Counseling
arrow_carrot 2right icon Certified Coach
arrow_carrot 2right icon 38 Years of Experience

Things began to change!

What I realized, however, was that I was given a gift – a chance to deliberately create the life I truly desired.

I hired a nationally recognized certified professional coach to help me identify the things that mattered most.

I learned the power of perspective, establishing meaningful rhythms and routines that supported my purpose, health, well-being, and family. I became fully present in every aspect of my life.

I know how hard it can be!

You’re doing the best you can. Your head is down, and you’re locked in on what’s right in front of you. The pressure is mounting, and you hope it all works out.

While I’m not a doctor myself, I understand from a personal and professional point of view the challenges that high achievers face. 

And I also know ...

what it means to live a life of intention and become the person I was created to be.

Jim’s AWARE method has helped me focus on my strengths and what is important to me.  This has helped me feel more confident in my practice and balanced in the workplace and career.

Laura Harvey, DO